Affiliate Marketing on Amazon
                    Affiliate marketing on amazon | part 2. This part is about Direct Digital Marketing on Amazon. So I hope that you should read the part 1 article, that would be containing the social media marketing strategies of amazon affiliate marketing. I would say in part 1 article that affiliate marketing is divided by two.
  • The first one is social media marketing.
  • The second one is direct digital marketing.
so we completed the first part with its basic. today will be the second part, which is Direct digital marketing basics. This part containing the direct digital ways that I personally used for affiliate marketing.

its includes:-
  • Email marketing
  • Watsapp marketing strategies
  • Google Ads
  • Marketing through website or blog
So these are four ways that I have personally used for direct digital marketing.
Before saying about the ways, you should study 'what is direct digital marketing'. if you got any sale by clicking your affiliate link without any referral social media. Then, that is direct digital marketing.
So let's look into the ways

1. Email marketing-

                              A man who is associated with any business or marketing field, who knows that what is Email marketing. Email marketing is just that, you would send an email to a person with your product, to tends them to buy or look into that product. In affiliate marketing, you can send an email with your product image and link. Then write a short description of your product. That description brings sales to you. so you should make your description and header as more attractive. But email marketing is not as simple as in your imagination. It needs an email list and short permission from the buyers to send email them for instantly. (We would make another article for the full guide of Email marketing it would be coming soon.) Email marketing is not a small thing its a big ocean. In the describing article, we would make an explanation of 'how to grow an email list and how to take permission and a lot more'.

2. Watsapp marketing strategies-

                             In WhatsApp marketing, you should have doubt that ' WhatsApp is a social media, then how to make direct digital marketing from it '. Yes, that's right WhatsApp is a social media, but in the digital marketing industry, WhatsApp traffic is not social media traffic. so it's direct digital traffic. You know that in WhatsApp there has a heavy chance to use affiliate marketing strategies. some of the basics are followed.

  • Create each group for each category of products. That brings you more sales. the important thing is that you should add your friends who were interested in that category products
  • Send your affiliate code/link and product image to your friends directly and convince them to buy that product.
WhatsApp has more advanced ways of affiliate marketing that will be discussed in the upcoming article.
3. Google ads-

                             You have heard about Google AdSense, it is the best way to advertise your website. At first, you should make a website, then ship your products to that website and register in google Adsense. Google will publish your website in different forms and it brings traffic and sales to your website. We would be making another article by focusing only on google ads and affiliate marketing. stay tuned to get more further updates.

4. Marketing through websites with no ads-

                             I would make 2 articles recently by focusing on how to use affiliate marketing in blogger and Wordpress websites. You can refer to it. Now you have a website focusing on any niche and you have a total of 1000 genuine and real traffic per day then you can paste your affiliate product in your website. Then you can get up to five sales [per day. I would personally say that website is the best way of making affiliate marketing.

This is how to make affiliate sales in direct digital marketing ways. The chances of sales would be the same in social ways and in direct ways. This is only a basic of Direct digital marketing. You should get more info in upcoming articles.
So our marketing section will end with this article. we would be continuing with the 3rd and 4rth part with the monitoring ways of affiliate marketing. monitoring has carried the important roll in a affiliate marketing that marketing ways. so don't miss those parts.

Disclaimer: This Website Serves Google's Advertisements 

Is this Practice Recommended by Google Adsense?

I just want to be safe from Invalid Clicks and the Ban of my Adsense Account.

Suggest me some Good Practices to keep Adsense Account Safe?

Even if we didn't click ads but some random person can do it just to ban my Adsense Account.

Recommend some good and Ethical Practices
